Gerry Arambala, a member of the Board of Directors of the Social Ethics Society, has graduated from the University of San Carlos with a thesis on Thomas Pogge's Poverty Studies for his Masters in Philosophy degree. Mr. Arambala was advised by Dr. Alvin Galeon. He was formerly mentored by the late Dr. Ryan Urbano, who wrote his masters thesis at Linköping University on Thomas Pogge in 2008. Mr. Arambala has published several papers during the course of his studies. He is one of the top academics from Cebu City, having taught at USC, Tabor Hill and the University of Cebu. He was the former chair of the Philosophy Department at La Salle University in Ozamiz City. Mr. Arambala has published a paper on the Capability Approach in the prestigious Asian Journal of Comparative Politics. He is currently teaching at the Mindanao State University in General Santos City.
Envisioned to be the bastion of moral integrity both in the academe and the global community, the Social Ethics Society is the first professional organization of Philosophy teachers, researchers, and graduate students based in the Southern Region of the Philippines. Deeply rooted in the passion for truth and social action, the SES seeks to develop the scholarly output of its members and advance useful knowledge for the betterment of Philippine society and beyond.