1. Maboloc, CRB. 2017. "Situating the Mindanao Agenda in the Radical Politics of President Duterte." In IQRA: Journal of Al Qalam Institute 4 (1): 1-24.
2. Labastin, B. 2018. "Two Faces of Dutertismo: Two Visions of Democracy in the Philippines." In Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy 4 (3): 31-54.
3. Maboloc, CRB. 2018. "The Politics of Nation States: The Case of President Rodrigo Duterte." In Journal of ASEAN Studies 6 (1): 111-129.
4. Mansueto, M. & Ochave, J. 2018. "The Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism and ABS-CBN through the Prisms of Herman and Chomsky's Propaganda Model: Duterte's Tirade against the Media." In Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy 4 (3): 181-206.
5. Arambala, G. 2018. "The Return of the Political: Chantal Mouffe and Ozamiz City Politics." In International Journal of Politics and Security 1 (2): 56-81.
6. Bayod, R. 2018. "The Future of the Environment and the Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines under the Duterte Administration." In Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy 4 (3): 229-253.
7. Balotol, R. 2018. "An Analysis of the Philippine Political Economy under President Duterte." In Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy 4 (3):
8. Maboloc, CRB. 2018. "The Catholic Church in the Middle of a War: President Duterte and the Radicalization of Philippine Politics." Tambara: A Journal in the Humanities and Social Sciences 35 (1): 53-69.
9. Maboloc, CRB. 2019. "Between Radical Politics and Dutertismo: A Reply to Critics." In Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy 5 (1): 1-18.
10. Maboloc, CRB. 2019. "The Predatory State and Radical Politics: The Case of the Philippines." In Journal of ASEAN Studies 7 (2): 162-175.
11. Maboloc, CRB. 2020. "President Rodrigo Duterte and the Birth of Radical Democracy in the Philippines." In International Journal of Politics and Security 3 (1): 116-134.
12. Maboloc, CRB. 2020. "Fighting the Oligarchs: President Duterte and the Argument Against Elite Rule." In South East Asian Journal of General Studies 21: 34-46.
13. Tangog, F. & Bayod, R. 2021. "Defending Moral Obligation: Rodrigo Duterte's Dauntless War on Drugs." Philosophy Study 11 (10): 785-796.
14. Maboloc, CRB. 2021. "President Rodrigo Duterte and Biopolitics in the Philippines." In International Journal of Politics and Security 3 (1): 49-64.
15. Parcon, IRC. 2021. "Understanding Dutertismo: Populism and Democratic Politics in the Philippines." Asian Journal of Social Science 49 (3): 131-137.
16. Maboloc, CRB. 2021. "Rodrigo Duterte and Bro. Karl Gaspar: The Radicalization of Politics in Post-Colonial Philippines." In Lectio: A Graduate Philosophy Journal 1 (1): 4-16.
17. Maboloc, CRB. 2022. "An Analysis of the Philippine Catholic Church's Approach to President Duterte's Drug War." In International Bulletin of Mission Research Journal 46 (3): 352-359.
18. Purog, J. 2022. "President Rodrigo Duterte's Radical Leadership." Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy. Special Issue, 13-31.
19. Hipolao, C. 2023. "Analyzing Antagonism in the Elections in the Philippines: Using Agonistic Philosophy Paradigm." International Journal of Politics and Security, Volume 5, Number 1: 145-162.