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Showing posts from March, 2025

Ateneo professor to attend AI Conference in Bangkok

Dr. Christopher Ryan Maboloc of Ateneo de Davao University will present a Policy Paper on AI and Education in the 23rd Asian Bioethics Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, 25-29 March 2025. The theme of the event is "Social, Legal and Ethical Issues of Artificial intelligence." The conference is hosted by the Asian Bioethics Association, the Eubios Ethics Institute, and Chulalongkorn University. Bioethics and AI experts across the globe will attend the 5-day event.  Dr. Maboloc will discuss the influence, effects, and impact of ChatGPT on learning. His research examines several Higher Education AI Policies in the country. The funding for this engagement was provided by Ateneo de Davao University and the City Government of Davao where he serves as a consultant. Dr. Rogelio Bayod of North Valley College as well as Fr. Dexter Veloso of the Saint Francis Xavier College Seminary are likewise scheduled to present their respective papers. 

The Importance and Impact of Citations (Part 3)

  More than a year ago, Dr. Godiva Eviota-Rivera organized a research group at MSU Marawi to write about the Marawi Siege. Dr. Rogelio Bayod later joined the team as the lead researcher. Dr. Rivera recruited two other colleagues, Atty. Aurora Lyn Racmat and Prof. Omera Serad. The team found it important to document the experiences of the people of Marawi, including the faculty and students of MSU, during the actual conflict. Dr. Bayod argued that these stories usually do not come out of the media. For this reason, a scholarly work is critical. The collaboration resulted in the paper "Narratives of resilience and solidarity during the Marawi crisis: Preserving Matawi's Culture of Peace" published in the SES Journal in 2023. The paper is well written and provides a strong theoretical foundation as well as hard evidence. In this way, it's no surprise that the same has been cited by an outstanding scholar in Peace Studies at Hiroshima University in Japan. What this proves...

Mansueto's Decolonial Turn in the Philippine South

Professor Menelito Mansueto’s Decolonial Turn in the Philippine South marks a shift in thinking for Mindanao scholars who are studying colonial history. Mansueto brings into the discussion Enrique Dussel, Miranda Fricker, Romulo Bautista, among others to provide a fresh perspective and an uncanny overview of the development of the Philosophy of Liberation away from its usual biases. He also brings into light the novel ideas on radical democracy introduced by Dr. Christopher Ryan Maboloc, including the subsequent reactions to it, both hostile and affirming. Mansueto's book was launched in Davao City last February 6, 2025. It is available internationally via

The Importance and Impact of Citations (Part 2)

  Dr. Rogelio Bayod, who holds a doctorate in Global Justice and Sustainability, is one of the most cited in Google Scholar among Mindanao researchers. He has worked with Professor John Weckert, who is emeritus professor at Charles Sturt University on a paper discussing indigenous ethics and modern technology, published in the prestigious journal Nanoethics.  Getting cited is not mere analytics. It is not a technical thing as suggested by some people. It actually means that you have created an impact in your field and for this reason, you have accomplished something that merits collaboration with top notch global scholars. Dr. Bayod is well-published while at the same time teaching at the highest level in three universities as well as holding a Visiting Professor status in an international university. Citations are a manifestation of one's strength in research. Dr. Bayod has presented papers in Japan, Bangkok, and the US. He chairs the annual Social Ethics Society conferences ...

The Importance and Impact of Citations

  Menelito Mansueto, a young faculty member of the Philosophy Department of MSU-IIT, has achieved what a good researcher should and that is getting cited. He is at present the Most Cited in the Subfield Philosophy at MSU-IIT and ranks at number 29 in the Philippines. What is the importance of getting cited?  Being cited means that your body of work is recognized by your peers and other experts in your field or discipline. It also gives you credibility as someone who has knowledge of the topic or questions that define your area of expertise. You are helping shape the discussions in academia, so to speak.  Getting cited means that your work or your paper is creating an impact and influence. This means that you are contributing knowledge and novel ideas. Research can grow through the active exchange of ideas in scholarly journals. Whether it is a critical paper or one that supports your claim, you are still making an impact.  Citations reflect professional growth. While...