Menelito Mansueto, a young faculty member of the Philosophy Department of MSU-IIT, has achieved what a good researcher should and that is getting cited. He is at present the Most Cited in the Subfield Philosophy at MSU-IIT and ranks at number 29 in the Philippines. What is the importance of getting cited?
Being cited means that your body of work is recognized by your peers and other experts in your field or discipline. It also gives you credibility as someone who has knowledge of the topic or questions that define your area of expertise. You are helping shape the discussions in academia, so to speak.
Getting cited means that your work or your paper is creating an impact and influence. This means that you are contributing knowledge and novel ideas. Research can grow through the active exchange of ideas in scholarly journals. Whether it is a critical paper or one that supports your claim, you are still making an impact.
Citations reflect professional growth. While not an end in itself when it comes to research, getting cited means expanding horizons and helping policy and decision makers solve society's problems. This is apparent in the sciences where collaboration is crucial to developing new treatments. In the social sciences and philosophy, such fosters dialogue and intelligent debates.