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The Importance and Impact of Citations (Part 2)


Dr. Rogelio Bayod, who holds a doctorate in Global Justice and Sustainability, is one of the most cited in Google Scholar among Mindanao researchers. He has worked with Professor John Weckert, who is emeritus professor at Charles Sturt University on a paper discussing indigenous ethics and modern technology, published in the prestigious journal Nanoethics. 

Getting cited is not mere analytics. It is not a technical thing as suggested by some people. It actually means that you have created an impact in your field and for this reason, you have accomplished something that merits collaboration with top notch global scholars. Dr. Bayod is well-published while at the same time teaching at the highest level in three universities as well as holding a Visiting Professor status in an international university.

Citations are a manifestation of one's strength in research. Dr. Bayod has presented papers in Japan, Bangkok, and the US. He chairs the annual Social Ethics Society conferences while holding top management posts in the school where he works. When talking about real impact, Dr. Bayod is also a consultant of various Local Government Units, helping them craft their development plans and programs in an ethical way. 

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