The Social Ethics Society has elected a new set of officers: Fr. Dexter Veloso (President), Dr. Roger Bayod (VP), Dr. Moises Torrentira (Sec), Fr. Banny Pardillo (Treas), Dr. Randy Tudy (Aud), Prof. Ian Clark Parcon (PIO),. Dr. Christopher Ryan Maboloc (BOD - Chair), Mr. Menelito Mansueto (BOD - Mindanao), and Mr. Gerry Arambala (BOD - Visayas) were likewise appointed by Fr. Veloso to the new BOD. Dr. Maboloc, who presided the election, thanked Dr. Aldrin Quintero and the former officers for their services.
The election was held right after the hybrid conference of the SES on October 26, 2020 at San Isidro Parish Hall, in Marilog District, Davao City. The term of office of the new officers starts immediately. The By-Laws of the SES was amended during the Assembly. The provision restricting the president from serving more than one term was amended. The motion was then passed unanimously. Meanwhile, the new BOD also approved the resolution approving the membership roster for 2020.