Articles (Scopus-Indexed)
1. “An Analysis of the Philippine Catholic Church’s Approach to President Duterte’s War on Drugs.” In International Bulletin of Mission Research Journal, Sage (April 2022)
2. “Risk-based Approach for a Return to In-Person Instruction in the Philippines.” [Co-Author] Journal of Public Health, Oxford University Press (December 2021).
3. “A Strategy for School Reopening in the Philippines: Lessons from Other Countries.” Journal of Public Health, Oxford University Press (October 2021).
4. “Prioritization of Persons with Special Needs in Covid-19 Vaccinations in the Philippines.” Journal of Public Health, Oxford University Press (August 2021).
5. “Integrated Science 2050.” [Co-Author] In Integrated Science. Ed. Nima Rezaei. Springer: Netherlands, 2021.
6. “The Question of Transdisciplinarity between Modern Science and Critical Thought.” Integrated Science. Ed. Nima Rezaei. Springer: Netherlands, 2021.
7. "International Scientific Cooperation is needed to Bridge Science to Society." [Co-author] SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine (May 2021).
8. “Deep Thinking or Resistance? On Finding a Middle Ground between Paolo Freire’s Critical Pedagogy and John Dewey’s Pragmatism.” Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel (2021).
9. “Emerging Standards and the Hybrid Model for Organizing Scientific Events.” [Co-author] In Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Cambridge University Press, (October 2020).
10. “The Moral Argument for Migration” Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel, Volume 48 (2020).
Articles (International Journals)
11. “Participatory Democracy and Climate Change.” In Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics Volume 32, Number 2 (March 2022).
12. “President Duterte and Biopolitics in the Philippines.” In International Journal of Politics and Security 3:3 (October 2021)
13. “Water Rights: Ethical Issues and Developmental Impact.” In Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, Volume 31:6 (July 2021).
14. “Indigenous Peoples in the Midst of Covid-19: Populism and Vaccine Nationalism as Impediments to Global Solidarity.” In Handbook of Research on Impact of Covid-19 Marginalized Populations and Support for the Future. IGI Global, USA. 2021.
15. “Biopower and Global Justice.” In Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, Volume 31:3 (March 2021).
16. “Global Ethics and the Right to Universal Access to Covid-19 Vaccines.” Co-authored by Glio Joy Layos. In Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, Volume 31:3 (March 2021).
17. “Higher Education in the Philippines during the Pandemic.” Co-authored by Godiva Eviota. In Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, Volume 31:2 (February 2021).
18. “Indigenous Wisdom and Human Solidarity in the Midst of Covid-19” In Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, Volume 31:2 (February 2021).
19. “On Overcoming Death: The State of Man during the Pandemic.” In Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, Volume 31:1 (January 2021).
20. “The Role of Practical Discourse in the Political Theory of Paul Ricoeur.” In African Philosophical Inquiry 10 (2020).
21. “Fighting the Oligarchs: President Duterte and the Argument against Elite Rule.” In South East Asian Journal of General Studies, Volume 21:1 (November 2020)
22. “New Normal or Post-Normal: Philosophical Implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic. In Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, Volume 30:8 (October 2020).
23. “Figuring out how to live in a post-pandemic world.” In Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, Volume 30:8 (October 2020).
24. “Moral Leadership during the Pandemic.” In Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, Volume 30:6 (August 2020).
25. “Critical Pedagogy in the New Normal.” In Voices in Bioethics - A Columbia University Online Journal, Volume 6 (August 2020).
26. “Pandemics and Social Inequality.” Co-authored by Carmelle Ayra Ferrer, MD. In Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, Volume 30:5 (June 2020).
27. "Cognitive Disability and the Ethics of Care: Justifying Dependency as a Moral Claim in Relational Justice." SEA Journal of General Studies, Volume 23, Number 1 (2022).
Articles (Local Journals)
28. “The Future of Liberal Equality.” In ARADMAN: Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 1, Number 1 (2021).
29. “President Duterte and Bro. Karl Gaspar: The Radicalization of Politics in the Philippines.” In Lectio: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (October 2021).
30. “Herbert Marcuse’s Theory of Domination.” In SABTON: Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 1, Number 1 (June 2021).
31. “Science, Faith and Reason in the Secular Age: A Critique of Sam Harris’ The End of Faith.” In Pamisulu: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology and Philosophy 7:1&2 (December 2020).
32. “Paul Ricoeur’s Philosophical Anthropology.” In Augustinian Journal, University of San Agustin, Volume 21:1 (December 2020).
33. “The Politics of Our Time.” Editorial. Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy, Volume 8, Special Issue (2022).
34. “Ethical and Philosophical Foundations of Peace.” Co-authored by Maricar Feliciano. Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy, Volume 8, Special Issue (2022).
35. “Fr. Conrado Estafia: Edith Stein’s Inquiry into the Meaning of Being.” Book Review. Social Ethics Society Journal of Applied Philosophy, Volume 8 (2022).
36. “The Question of Ethics in Modern Technology.” Co-authored by Kathleen Pastrana. In University of Rizal System Research Journal, Volume 8, Number 1 (2022).